ANGUS, a 3-1/2" gauge 4-4-2 "Atlantic" designed by Charlie Purinton
See Angus under steam....
3/4" scale
3-1/2" gauge
Coal Fired
Copper Boiler, silver soldered
Walschaert valve gear
Slide valves
Hand pump and axle pump
Plywood tender tank....a Purinton trademark!
Weighs 65 pounds
A proven design, from a legendary name in live steam
All parts can be handled on a 9" lathe, benchtop milling machine, and drill press. Charlie built hisAngus with just the lathe and the drill press!
Here's what it will look like riding behind your Angus....
The castings for "Angus". Made in New England, USA. All castings are from original Purinton patterns except the smokebox front and door; these are by H.J. Coventry.
The complete set of castings as shown is $895 plus $32 shipping to the USA. Pricing includes a construction book of Charlie's drawings that completely details all parts.
For other countries, please inquire.
Please note: The smokebox front and door castings shown above, are by H.J. Coventry. Charlie Purinton used to specify that VanBrocklin smokebox fronts be used, but they are not available at this time. The domes can be fabricated, or, H.J. Coventry domes for the 0-6-0 switcher can be used. The "Angus" owned by Jay Monty (shown in the video above and the photo below), uses the H.J. Coventry domes. Please inquire if you'd like to purchase these domes for your Angus.
Here is Angus going around the Waushakum Live Steamers' highline....
Bob Hornsby and John Kurdzionak ride behind Charlie Purinton's original Pennsy E5, the design from which "Angus" was developed. Waushakum Live Steamers, 1986.
Jay Monty with his Charlie Purinton-designed "Angus" at Malden, Massachusetts, in 2017